Friday, October 15, 2010

Some of my favorite Quotes

Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a darkroom..
So if you see darkness in your life
be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared!
~quote off a friends facebook~

We are like teabags..
We don't know how strong we are until we are in hot water!
~my friend Krystal Yagovane from bootcamp~

See the beauty in everything.

You were given this life because you're
strong enough to live it!

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different
~Coco Chanel~

Some where there is someone that dreams of your smile, finds in your presence that lif is worthwile, so when you are lonely remember it's true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Things I Miss....

Being stationed in Italy is great and a good oppurtunity for me as well,
but there are a few things that I still miss and sometimes wish that I would have picked some where state side first besides Italy.
So here's my list:
1. Miss my family including my dog, Tinker!
2. Being able to drive
(since I don't have a car over here)
3. Having a full kitchen to cook in!
(but I am thankful for the small one that I have)
4. Being able to pay with US Dollars every where I go
(converting to €'s is a pain sometimes)
5. Starbucks!!
6. Dairy Queen Blizzards
7. Being able to go to college football games!
8. My friends from back home
9. The fall weather
(it's not the same here in Italy)
10. Enjoying the holidays with the fam.
(haven't had to experience a holiday yet with out them yet over here, but im sure its not going to be the same)
Well, thats all that I can think of, but Im sure that there are more..
I promise that my next post will be happier!
Hope you all enjoy your Monday off due to Columbus day!
Until Later,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

O Curls, Curls! Where Forth Art Thou, Curls?

I know that this post might seem a little strange but I was thinking about this this afternoon...
I am wondering what happened to my natural curly hair???
It has gone from great curls to just normal straight hair, just out of no where. Well, maybe it has been going on since January when I was in bootcamp. Slowly since then it has gotten more straight.
I miss just being able to just get of the shower, put some mousse in it and be done with it! Now I have to blow dry it and then straighten it
So here are a couple of pics to show what I am talking about:

This was taken in July of last year and thats how it was like up to bootcamp:

And the current pic of me:

See what I mean!!

I only used the straightener just to make it lay better!

Sorry for having you to read about my crazy thoughts that just come out of no where!

Hope that you all have a GREAT day!

Until Later,