Friday, June 5, 2009

Had a Wonderful Friday

So today was a pretty good Friday, if I do say so myself. Even though it might not be what everybody would want to do, I had a good time. I was babysitting my two favorite girls that I have ever watched. Since they are out of school, I had them from 0830 to 1730. We did some errands around Carbondale that I had to get not so exciting time for them, but I got somethings done that I needed to.

So after lunch we spent a couple of hours swimming! It was just what I needed. I havent been swimming in a long time and it was really relaxing and a fun time.

So right now I am hoping that this slight sunburn will turn into a slight tan since I seem to always be pale. Apparently my mom, dad, and sister seems to have the gene to be able to tan easily and for some reason I did not get this gene.

That was basically my day...had dinner at my parent's house and now I am just sitting at home doing nothing. I should be be picking up my room since my clothes have seem to have taken over my floor space lol.

Now what to do tomorrow since mmy roommates are gone to Current River doing on some float trips and drinking all day/night. So what is a girl to do on a great Saturday??

just a little update: still haven't hearf anything about the loans and i finally decided that I am not going to do the Officer thing and just stay enlisted.

until later :)


  1. I think that I to did not get the tan gene! I seem to either be pasty white or red. lol hopefully it will turn into a tan though :) Love the blg layout :)

  2. thanks for following and commenting on my blog!! good luck on the giveaway!!
